Sunday, 21 December 2014

The Homemaker

Before I could start my day, I promptly got out of bed, made my way into her room only to snuggle beside her sleepy still. Daddy was away and hence she was all mine for the day!  . 

It began with a debate of what is to be prepared for breakfast until we came to a mutual agreement on a rather not so "desi" breakfast of toast and warm milk.

What is a holiday if rules are not broken, routine not followed and the unusual not experimented and played with!.. So done with breakfast we decided a walk (supposed to have been a morning walk) will do us good. Relatively new to this city and me a veteran I had fun confusing her with the rather tidy and rather organised roads! 

We discovered some unique houses both ancient and modern.. The sun played hide and seek with the clouds, a pleasant mix of warm rays in the cool breeze. Back home lunch was a miscellany of stuffs we kept chewing onto in the midst of our never ending discussions, serious and mostly otherwise. 

Slightly tired we dozed off for some time, me snuggling up to her again!

Hour and Minute were kind to me today! wasn't quite racing as they usually do.
I showed her my recent clicks on Instagram, my wardrobe collection piling up in the last seven years, some of my random write ups and ofcourse all the stories behind them! 

We talked endless!! bitched about daddy's obnoxious snores and his growing Equator which took up more than half of the bed!!! Well if I must mention they were precisely my views cause she has all the reasons to defend her Better Half which she did  I danced to the tunes of Beyonce and made her match up to the steps of "Kajra Re"!! She did her best with limited feet movement, thanks to that imp residing in her knees notoriously termed "arthritis". But she is a sport in-spite of it

She tried teaching me how to drape a saree, made me prepare afternoon tea( daughter labor I called it  ) and contrived me into cleaning up my room. 
We talked, fought, danced, hummed to the tunes of old melodies! It was a day spent with my Best Half- Maa, until it was evening and her Better Half, her first love ( oh wait so am I the second love of her life! A question she never has an answer to :P) took over from me  

These enduring moments define unconditional love. Years later I lived every moment of it! 

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